As perthe above statement, you can take advantage of our construction business entity& BOOK yourdream home plot with us (from the properties available below), BUY according to your convenience ( wewill help you with bank finance etc.) & we'll BUILD it for you (as our Quality speaks forus). This ensures you to have an experienced & trusted partner for yourneeds from booking of plot, scrutinizing it, building your Dream home &handover of the same with all the transparency.
In thissegment, we also provide you with the opportunity to have a discussion with ourdesign team regarding any changes you might want to make to your dream homedesign based on your requirements, before taking approvals from theauthorities. Rest, be assured we have already worked out a well thought designfor you.
Thisabove venture of Lucky Deep Construction allows the customers to have a trustedpartner at every stage of any Real Estate transaction that they do with ourcompany, as we always make sure to provide Value for Money to our customer’sinvestments with us.
Currently Available Properties : -
1.Diverted Residential Plot, Street 19 A at Shanti Kunj, Risali ( PlotSize – 1200 sq.ft.- 2400 sqft.)